An Election Preview

The Governor and the Legislature continue to negotiate on a budget that would resolve the state’s $54 billion deficit. The state Constitution requires the legislature to pass a balanced budget by June 15 or not get paid. Recognizing this leadership in the Assembly and Senate announced Wednesday that they would adopt their version of the…

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Budget Update: Cuts or Taxes?

As we have reported previously, Governor Newsom released his May Revision to the Budget on May 14, announcing that the state is facing a $54 billion deficit.  The May Revise proposes to balance the budget with a mix of reserves, internal borrowing, federal funding, and short-term revenues.  However, the backbone of the Governor’s May Revise…

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Reopening and Legislative Oversight

The following update is provided courtesy of Edelstein Gilbert Robson & Smith As we have reported previously, Governor Newsom has enjoyed enormous power since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis both legally, under the Emergency Services Act, and politically, given the hundreds of thousands of viewers tuning in to watch his noon press conferences almost daily.…

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COVID-19 UPDATE: Possible Return of The Legislature

Here is the latest update the legislative update from Sacramento from Edelstein Gilbert Robson & Sith, CAA’s lobbyist regarding activity in the Capitol. This week, Governor Newsom announced the opening of new testing facilities and the receipt of new testing supplies. The Governor has a goal of eventually being able to test 80,000 Californians per…

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California State Fire Marshall Update: Essential Workers for Fire Alarm

Dear Stakeholder, Industry Associations, Local Government Partners and Cooperating Agencies: As the COVID-19 emergency continues to evolve, fire departments and fire protection contractors must ensure fire prevention and life safety systems and equipment are in working order. These systems and products are essential functions in safeguarding the public, businesses and institutions. The CAL FIRE –…

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AB-5 Update

AB 5 is a bill the Governor signed into law in September 2019 addressing employment status when a hiring entity claims that the person it hired is an independent contractor. AB 5 requires the application of the “ABC test” to determine if workers in California are employees or independent contractors for purposes of the Labor…

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Defining Essential Workers in California: An Update from the CAA Board

For the past two weeks we have been operating under conditions that no one would have imaged at the time of our Winter Meeting last December in San Francisco. Not since 1918/1919 has the world and the United States been under attack by a invisible operator. Over one-hundred years ago it was the Spanish Flu. …

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