Meet the Women in Security

Women In the Security Resolution

This month we feature three women from the CAA’s Women In the Security Evolution,”WISE”. Mindi Sue Sternblitz-Rubenstein, Shannon Beritzhoff, and Sarah Wilson share a brief overview of their background and what they anticipate the future and impact for women in security will be.

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WISE Words: Empowering Women in the Security Evolution

WISE Words: Empowering Women in the Security Evolution

Women in the Security Evolution, “WISE”, is a CAA group focused on promoting women in the electronic security industry through increased visibility, inclusivity, resource support and equality. WISE currently meets monthly and is dedicated to preparing and planning the right way to create a solid foundation for all members.

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President’s Message – A New Era for the MIRROR

As we step further into this exciting year, I am thrilled to share with you the exciting developments and upcoming events that underscore our Association’s dedication to progress and advocacy in the security and life safety sector.

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Three WISE Women: Meet the Women in Security

Three WISE Women: Meet the Women in Security

Vanessa Castro’s career began with a non-profit providing assistance to the homeless. From here she entered the security industry as an alarm installer and has progressed to now Chief Operating Officer with Varitec. Recognized as an industry leader, her company now writes security plans for cannabis related businesses and is NICP certified. As a business owner, servant-based community leader, wife and mother, Vanessa has learned the art of successful multitasking and is honored by the organizations she touches.

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What is a Reasonable Compensation for Owners of S Corp?

What is a Reasonable Compensation for Owners of S Corp?

If you have read many of my columns over the years, you probably know that a “S Corporation” is the preferred entity for most alarm companies with a single, or few, individual shareholders. As you may already know, An S corporation is a type of corporation that passes its taxable income, credits, deductions, and losses directly to its shareholders. This means that the corporation itself is not taxed on its income, but instead, the shareholders are taxed on their share of the corporation’s income. The S corporation election is available only to small businesses with 100 or fewer shareholders, and is an alternative to the limited liability company (LLC)

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WISE Words: Empowering Women in the Security Evolution

Empowering Women in the Security Evolution

The electronic security sector is witnessing a significant shift towards inclusivity and gender equality based on the efforts of several leaders and industry groups across the nation. One of these groups is the fast-growing CAA based organization, Women In the Security Evolution “WISE”. The group is dedicated to supporting, empowering, and promoting women across all disciplines within the security industry and spectrum of professional roles.

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