Will Governor Newsom Be Recalled? Legislative Update

On June 28, Governor Newsom signed California’s $267 billion budget. However, as we’ve reported previously, the signed budget contains the appropriations to spend state funds, but much work continues to finalize the budget behind the scenes. The annual Budget Act is always accompanied by a number of “trailer bills” which enact policy changes needed to implement the budget.

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California Reopens: Legislative Update

People crossing road in California

Last Wednesday the Secretary of State sent a letter to the Department of Finance (DOF) that among other things said “The Secretary of State is hereby notifying the Department of Finance that the proponents of the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom have submitted a sufficient number of valid signatures to initiate a recall election.”

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Bills & Budgets: Legislative Update

Money in jar

June marks the halfway point in the legislative calendar. By early June,  most bills must pass out of the house they were introduced in to keep moving. The only exceptions are urgency bills and constitutional amendments which must be passed on a 2/3 vote of the Legislature.

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Here we are mid-2020 and finally things are coming back to life.  A new comfort level with being “out and about” is provided by vaccines and encouraging statistics of a declining pandemic.  Businesses, shops, stores, restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, etc., are all coming back to life.

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Dealer Perspective…#33

Solar Energy

The last few articles have attempted to show the growing interaction between the security industry and the solar rooftop opportunity.  Solar rooftop (with batteries) within a mini-grid environment would likely have eliminated much of the damage from the “Texas freeze” a few months ago.  Texas has its own interconnecting grid that covers the entire state.  All of the interconnecting switches, valves and other components required a winter upgrade, which did not happen.  When a portion of the system froze, the entire grid went down and the state went into a deep freeze.

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