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CAA News - July

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Sep 27 2022

Snap One Launches Next-Gen WiFi 6 Wireless Access Points from Araknis and Access Networks

Snap One now offers several new Wireless Access Points that combine the latest WiFi technology and advanced features; all will be demoed at CEDIA 2022.

Sep 22 2022

Fall is Here! President’s Message: September 2022

Here we are in September heading quickly to the start of Q4.  Schools are back in session with in-person classes, most businesses are working steadfastly to get back on their feet, and traffic is near pre-pandemic levels.  We have all been changed by this virus and I hope all of you are focusing on a brighter future. 

Sep 21 2022

Altronix Showcase Products that Simplify System Integrations and Increase Cost-Efficiencies at GSX 2022

Altronix is here at GSX 2022 in booth 1824 demonstrating its newest power and data transmission solutions. New highlighted products increase system capacity while conserving valuable space, enable more edge devices to be deployed further, and distribute greater power to accommodate myriad surveillance and security applications, all while reducing labor and installation costs.

Sep 21 2022

DMP’s CellComEX Universal Communicator is the New “Express” Solution for Simple System Upgrades

DMP’s CellComEX Universal Communicator is the New “Express” Solution for Simple System Upgrades: In late August, DMP introduced the CellComEX Universal Communicator, its newest addition to the Com Series. With the CellComEX shipping in early September, DMP dealers can now take advantage of this product for takeovers as the 3G sunset rapidly approaches.

Sep 13 2022

ProSentry and AvantGuard Partner to Provide Cutting-Edge Leak Detection & Response Services

While water and gas leak detection are not new, most of today’s solutions are for single apartments or houses. Until now, no whole building solutions have been available. ProSentry offers a real-time, whole-building leak detection service designed for residential apartment buildings, townhouses, and commercial buildings. John Rusk, Founder of ProSentry, says, “if a water line breaks in the kitchen and the owner is unaware, the cleanup moves rapidly past a couple of towels and a mop to needing restorative construction on the home.” 

Sep 13 2022

The New 369 Area Code is Coming to the California 707 Area Code Region

 To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the California Public Utilities Commission has approved an all-services overlay for the 707 area code region.

Sep 13 2022

Biden NLRB Rules Employers Cannot Limit Union Insignia Without Good Reason

In what has become an all too familiar practice of overruling and reinstating precedent based on the political party in control of the Executive Branch, last week, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) reinstated the test that applies when analyzing whether an employer’s dress code or uniform policy interferes with employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act.  In Tesla Inc., 370 NLRB No. 131 (Aug. 29, 2022), at issue was an employer policy requiring employees to wear a designated uniform in its production facility and prohibiting employees from wearing any unauthorized clothing, including tee shirts with union insignia.

Sep 13 2022

Mr. Sprinkler Fire Protection Joins the CAA from the SAAA Regional Chapter

Mr. Sprinkler’s goal is to create a drug free work place where people with a passion for our industry can work together and make a difference. Our business strategy is simple… to be the best through hard work, innovation and commitment. We reach beyond our builders, developing rewarding relationships and finding new and better ways to create value for our customers. Our personal positive approach guarantees well planned and executed projects.

Sep 8 2022

Tracking and Opposing Potentially Negative Ordinances Before the Burden Falls on Security Companies

SIAC Needs your support! We’re working every day to secure your business and bottom line. Alarm ordinances can vary greatly, we represent your interests by promoting the Model Alarm Ordinance which is fair and balanced.

Sep 8 2022

How to Prepare for the POTS Sunset

On August 2, 2022 the FCC issued Order 19-72A1, releasing phone companies from any legal obligation to provide POTS service. Now, fire & life safety providers are seeing immediate repercussions. With all the buzz around the 2022 3G sunsets, it's no wonder that security providers who rely on POTS lines are feeling less than prepared.

Upcoming Training Events

The National Training Program is pleased to host the upcoming webinars for CAA Members.  

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About the CAA

The California Alarm Association develops and manages programs to benefit members and to promote the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry throughout the state of California. Membership dues provide the foundation for funding these programs, but we rely on the financial support of individuals and companies to expand existing programs and launch new initiatives. These non-dues revenues are critical for the protection of the industry in which we all make our livelihood, and to preserve our ability to enhance public safety in our communities. Our mission:

  1. Serve our members and associates by being the industry advocate and liaison with public safety agencies, government bureaus, and licensing, standards and regulation bodies.
  2. Serve the people of California by being a reliable and trusted resource for safety and security information and services.

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