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Feb 1 2022

SIA to Showcase 100 Women in Security

The Security Industry Association (SIA) has opened the call for nominations for the SIA Women in Security Forum Power 100. New in 2022, this annual initiative presented by the SIA Women in Security Forum will honor 100 women in the security industry who are role models for actively advancing diversity, inclusion, innovation and leadership in the community.

Feb 1 2022

Why Digital Storytelling is a Great Way to Increase Brand or Product Awareness

For thousands of years, storytelling has been a form of entertainment and even a way to pass historical events down through generations. But did you know you can apply the strategies of digital storytelling to your marketing strategies? Yes, you can use digital storytelling to increase brand awareness or even highlight a product. You’ll find there are many benefits to learning how to tell a story with your marketing, so here’s what you need to know about digital storytelling for businesses.

Dec 30 2021

President’s Message – CAA Winter Convention Recap

After months of planning, the 2021 CAA Winter Convention has come and gone. What a great adventure it was meeting old friends and making new friends and colleagues from all over our great country!

Nov 30 2021

Florida Police Chiefs Praise SIAC’s Engagement on Alarm Management

The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) President Stephan Dembinsky recently sent SIAC one of the most meaningful appreciation letters we have ever received — a tribute to our SIAC team, Glen Mowrey, Bob Neely and AAF (Alarm Association of Florida) for the years of nurturing and professional investment/support of Florida Chiefs.

Nov 27 2021

President’s Message – CAA Winter Convention

Fall has fallen with cool days and cold nights. The year-end holidays will be on our minds and in our hearts as we move forward with the gradual re-opening of activities and venues as we remembered them in the pre-Covid era. This year the holidays will be challenged with the mega supply chain disruptions –…

Oct 19 2021

Making Lemonade: A Message From The Board President

San Francisco, where nearly 80% have received at least one vaccine shot, has implemented vaccine requirements for meetings beginning in mid-September. We know from the actions government has taken in the past year that this may change at any time. So, when we get lemons, we make lemonade.

Oct 15 2021

Newsom Signs New Legislation

Governor Newsom just signed new legislation amending B & P Code Section 17602 dealing with “Automatic Renewals.”  The section was originally added a few years ago and provided certain conditions if the contract automatically renewed for a period in excess of thirty (30) days.  Much has previously been written about the section.    
Judge's gavel on table in office

Oct 7 2021

Infrastructure Bill Would End the Employee Retention Credit

The infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. Senate on August 10, 2021 would end the employee retention credit (ERC) early, making wages paid after Sept. 30, 2021, ineligible for the credit (except for wages paid by an eligible recovery startup business). 

Oct 7 2021

Cultivating A Disruptor Mindset in the Security Industry

You hear it all the time — how this or that business, person or technology is a disruptor. It sounds great, but what does it really mean? Disruptors change the way something is done in a given area of industry, but on a smaller scale, a disruptor can be someone or a business that shake up how things are done in their own area or local. Change is integral to business development, however, if done right you can disrupt the established order in your area. And that is the key to a successful security business.

Oct 7 2021

Chiefs of Police Endorse Model Alarm Ordinance

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recently passed a resolution that endorses the Model Alarm Ordinance as a tool for promoting “bests practices” to achieve a reduction in alarm dispatches and recommends the ordinance to its 31,000 members in 165 countries. 

Upcoming Training Events

The National Training Program is pleased to host the upcoming webinars for CAA Members.  

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About the CAA

The California Alarm Association develops and manages programs to benefit members and to promote the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry throughout the state of California. Membership dues provide the foundation for funding these programs, but we rely on the financial support of individuals and companies to expand existing programs and launch new initiatives. These non-dues revenues are critical for the protection of the industry in which we all make our livelihood, and to preserve our ability to enhance public safety in our communities. Our mission:

  1. Serve our members and associates by being the industry advocate and liaison with public safety agencies, government bureaus, and licensing, standards and regulation bodies.
  2. Serve the people of California by being a reliable and trusted resource for safety and security information and services.

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