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Apr 5 2021

Busy As A Bee: A Message from the Board President

Every spring with longer days, more sunshine, and daylight savings time we start to awaken after our winter slumber. This year is much more pronounced since we have compounded our proverbial slumber with Covid 19 isolation. Now that the vaccine distribution rate is growing exponentially and the rate of infection is dropping significantly, we are…

Mar 31 2021

Legislative Update – March 26th

Last year, Governor Newsom solemnly pronounced that after expecting record breaking surpluses in 2020, the state was facing a $54 billion deficit. That number was daunting, and comparable to the budget shortfalls experienced at the onset of the Great Recession. That massive deficit never materialized. The Governor and his Department of Finance (DOF) didn’t lie…

Mar 19 2021

CAA Law Webinar March 2021

The following webinar was presented on March 16th, 2021 at 11:30 AM. The PPT slides are available for download below the video.

Mar 17 2021

SSI Industry Hall of Fame Class of 2021

The SSI Hall of Fame announced their five inductees for 2021 and each person has contributed significantly to the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry.

Mar 1 2021

Legislative Update: 2.26.21

February 19 marked the passage of the deadline for legislators to introduce bills for the 2021 session.  The Legislature struggled throughout 2020 to meet legislative deadlines.  With only a few hearing rooms large enough to allow social distancing, legislators were forced to conduct their business with fewer hearings.  Hundreds of bills failed to pass given…

Feb 19 2021

COVID Relief: Sorting it All Out Webinar Presentation

On February 3rd 2021, the CAA / OCAA sponsored a webinar: “COVID Relief – Sorting It All Out” with special guests Alyson Pattie, Principal & CPA at Barkin, Perren, Schwager & Dolan LLP and Mitch Reitman, Managing Principal at Reitman Consulting Group. The latest coronavirus relief bill includes a 2nd round of PPP with $284 billion…
Sacramento Legislation Update

Feb 16 2021

Legislative Update: 2.16.21

This week, proponents of the effort to recall Governor Newsom announced that they have surpassed the 1.5 million signatures required to qualify the recall election.  They acknowledged, however, that more signatures are needed to ensure that there are enough verifiable signatures to qualify.
Legislation Sacramento Update

Feb 1 2021

Legislative Update: 1.29.21

Californians have had the right to recall elected officials for 110 years.  In that time, 54 attempts to recall a California Governor have been launched.  Only one of these has been successful. In October 2003, Californians voted to recall Governor Davis.  When the recall effort got started in 2002, it was underfunded and easy to…
Legislative Update

Jan 18 2021

Legislative Budget Update

Last week, Governor Newsom unveiled his proposed $227 billion 2021-2022 budget. As the Governor noted himself, the last 12 months have been a financial roller coaster for the state.  Coming into 2020, the Governor enjoyed a large budget surplus and healthy reserves.  Soon after the state’s response to the pandemic intensified in March, revenues were…

Upcoming Training Events

The National Training Program is pleased to host the upcoming webinars for CAA Members.  

  • TBD

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About the CAA

The California Alarm Association develops and manages programs to benefit members and to promote the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry throughout the state of California. Membership dues provide the foundation for funding these programs, but we rely on the financial support of individuals and companies to expand existing programs and launch new initiatives. These non-dues revenues are critical for the protection of the industry in which we all make our livelihood, and to preserve our ability to enhance public safety in our communities. Our mission:

  1. Serve our members and associates by being the industry advocate and liaison with public safety agencies, government bureaus, and licensing, standards and regulation bodies.
  2. Serve the people of California by being a reliable and trusted resource for safety and security information and services.

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